Courses Master Display 2024-2025

Course Description To PDF
Course title Multi Criteria Analysis
Course code SSP4015
ECTS credits 1,0
Assessment Pass / Fail
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
3 13-1-2025 26-1-2025 C
Level Introductory/Intermediate
Coordinator Filippo Oncini
For more information:
Language of instruction English
After studying the SA skills course the students are able to:
* Apply some widely-used methods/tools of sustainability assessment;
* Discuss the strengths, weaknesses, and pitfalls of these methods/tools;
* Reflect on the contribution of the methods/tools to a sustainability assessment.
In this Sustainability Assessment Skills (SAS) sub-course we focus on policy analysis and introduce a specific approach suitable for integrated sustainability assessments: Multi-criteria analysis (MCA). MCA is a method for evaluating multiple (conflicting) criteria in a policy context. This skills sub-course focuses on MCA, and critically evaluates its application to real-world sustainability problems. The course starts with an introduction lecture providing an overview on the field of and different approaches to policy analysis, and a brief introduction to the specific method of MCA. Throughout three tutorials, students will then deepen their understanding of the specific steps of an MCA (tutorial 1), jointly elaborate a design for MCA in relation to a real-world sustainability problem (tutorial 2), and apply the chosen design to a simulation game where students take the role of MCA facilitators and stakeholders (tutorial 3).
- Runhaar et al. (2006). Policy analysis for sustainable development: The toolbox for the environmental social scientist. International journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 7(1): 34-56. - Department for Communities and Local Government: London, (2009), Multi-criteria analysis: a manual, Wetherby: Communities and Local Government Publications. Only read chapter 6 (pp 46-72): - Participative multi-criteria analysis for the evaluation of water governance alternatives. A case in the Costa del Sol (Málaga) (Links to an external site.) - Combining participative and institutional approaches with multicriteria evaluation. An empirical study for water issues in Troina, Sicily (Links to an external site.) - Multi-criteria analysis of heating sector sustainability in Northern Europe - Application of Multi-Actor Multi-Criteria Analysis for Transition Management in Energy Communities (Links to an external site.) - Stakeholder engagement and multi-criteria decision aiding in the electricity transmission grid - Value Measurement Analysis of Energy Tradeoffs in South Africa (Links to an external site.) - A social multi-criteria evaluation of non-conventional water alternatives in Metropolitan Barcelona (Links to an external site.) - A degrowth approach to urban mobility options: just, desirable and practical options
Exchange students should refer to the International Relations Office via email in case they would like to register for this course: Only limited spots available, first-come first-serve principle.
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) PBL / Lecture / Assignment / Groupwork / Skills
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Attendance / Assignment
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Master Sustainability Science, Policy and Society - Business for Sustainability Compulsory Skill(s)
Master Sustainability Science, Policy and Society - Policy for Sustainability Compulsory Skill(s)
SBE Exchange Master Master Exchange Courses