Courses Exchange Display 2015-2016

Course Description To PDF
Course title Real Estate Investment and Valuation
Course code EBS2033
ECTS credits 4,0
Assessment Pass / Fail
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
6 13-6-2016 24-6-2016 -
Level Intermediate
Coordinator Mike Langen
For more information:
Language of instruction English
Acquire a thorough understanding of real estate valuation and financing techniques.
Real estate is a major asset class in institutional investors’ portfolios. In general these investors get equity exposure through the stock market, so their exposure to the underlying assets (oil wells, factories, human capital) is indirect. In real estate, this is different. Institutional investors often buy and own the real estate assets directly. Understanding the investment and valuation process in real properties is therefore essential for an institutional real estate investor, but also for real estate advisors, bankers, and property developers. The skill Real Estate Investment and Valuation will teach second-year Bachelor students how they can apply the financial knowledge they have acquired to real-life property investment situations, using international investment cases that are rooted in reality.
Selected chapters from:
- Geltner et al., Commercial Real Estate Analysis and Investments, 3rd edition, 2013
- Brown and Matysiak, Real Estate Investment: A Capital Market Approach, 1st edition, 1999
- Ling and Archer, Real Estate Principles, 3rd edition, 2010
- Damodaran, Investment Valuation, 2nd edition, 2002

Basic knowledge of financial markets; an advanced level of English.
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) PBL / Presentation / Assignment
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Final Paper
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Bachelor Economics and Business Economics Specialisation Economics Elective Skills
Bachelor Economics and Business Economics Specialisation Economics and Management of Information Elective Skills
Bachelor Economics and Business Economics Specialisation International Business Economics Elective Skills
Bachelor International Business Year 2-3 Elective skills
SBE Exchange Bachelor Bachelor Exchange Skills
SBE Exchange Master Bachelor Exchange Skills
SBE Non Degree Courses Bachelor Skills