Courses Bachelor Display 2017-2018

Course Description To PDF
Course title Analysis II
Course code EBC1032
ECTS credits 6,5
Assessment None
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
4 5-2-2018 6-4-2018 X/E X/E
5 16-4-2018 8-6-2018 X/E X/E
Level Intermediate
Coordinator Mathias Staudigl
For more information:
Language of instruction English
Learn the concepts and techniques in the field of integral calculus that are prerequisite for 'probability theory', '(applied) statistics', 'mathematical economics' and 'operations research'.
Can check the topological properties of a subset of the plane.
Know how to prove that a function of two variables is continuous.
Be able to apply the Implicit Function of Theorem.
Know how to prove that a function of two variables has a directional derivative or is (totally) differentiable.
Learn to solve constrained and unconstrained optimisation problems.
Functions of more than one variable, series, multiple integrals, integral calculus of functions of one variable.
- Differential calculus for functions of one variable (as, for instance, in the course Analysis 1).
- Elementary linear algebra (as, for instance, in the course Linear Algebra).
An advanced level of English.
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Lecture / Assignment
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Written Exam
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research Year 1 Compulsory Courses