Courses Exchange Display 2018-2019

Course Description To PDF
Course title Strategic Performance Analysis
Course code EBC4131
ECTS credits 6,5
Assessment None
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
2 29-10-2018 21-12-2018 X/E X/E
Level Advanced
Coordinator Alexander Bruggen
For more information:
Language of instruction
This is a very practice-oriented course.

Students will work in subgroups on a project with a company. During the course, they will solve a real problem and will present it at the end of the course in front of a jury, consisting of members of the boards of the particular firm, members of the chamber of commerce and professors. Further, this course provides you with thorough knowledge to analyse business situations for strategic decision-making. In particular, this course deals with financial distress, interfirm relations, internal capital markets and the analysis of strategic changes. This course will provide you not only with the necessary practical and analytical skills but also in-depth knowledge of management accounting that help you to analyse the above mentioned situations and to support decision-making. The literature consists mainly of academic articles. Besides a thorough understanding of the theoretical foundations, this course will trigger your practical skills.
Courses and workload are very demanding for all IB Master courses. Exchange students need to have obtained a Bachelor degree in business and major in accounting in their Master.
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) PBL / Presentation / Assignment / Groupwork
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Participation / Written Exam
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Master Human Decision Science Electives
Master International Business - Accountancy Electives
Master International Business - Accounting & Control (parttime/NL) Compulsory Courses
Master International Business - Controlling Compulsory Courses
Master International Business - Entrepreneurship and SME Management Electives
Master International Business - Organisation: Management, Change and Consultancy Electives
Master International Business - Strategic Corporate Finance Electives
Master International Business - Strategy and Innovation Electives
Master International Business - Sustainable Finance Electives
SBE Exchange Master Master Exchange Courses
SBE Non Degree Courses Master Courses