Courses None Display 2020-2021

Course Description To PDF
Course title Smart Service Management
Course code EBC4256
ECTS credits 5,0
Assessment Whole/Half Grades
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
4 1-2-2021 26-3-2021 X X
Level Advanced
Coordinator Mahdi Ebrahim
For more information:
Language of instruction English
Upon successful completion of this course, students will be able to:
* devise suitable strategic plans when developing new smart service;
* design an appropriate organizational configuration for implementing new smart services;
* take into account human resource considerations when designing and executing new services.
PLEASE NOTE THAT THE INFORMATION ABOUT THE TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT METHOD(S) USED IN THIS COURSE IS WITH RESERVATION. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED HERE IS BASED ON THE COURSE SETUP PRIOR TO THE CORONAVIRUS CRISIS. AS A CONSEQUENCE OF THE CRISIS, COURSE COORDINATORS MAY BE FORCED TO CHANGE THE TEACHING AND ASSESSMENT METHODS USED. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE INFORMATION ABOUT THE TEACHING/ASSESSMENT METHOD(S) WILL BE AVAILABLE IN THE COURSE SYLLABUS. "Smart Service Management" deals with the managerial aspects of designing and developing new smart services. Complementary to the course “Service Design”, which focuses on the customer perspectives in developing new services, this course takes an internal perspective studying the organization creating the service. Specifically, we review strategic, organizational, and operational aspects of new service development.

Assessment methods: assignment, facilitation, final paper, participation
* Nagle, Thomas T., and Georg Müller. The strategy and tactics of pricing: A guide to growing more profitably. 6th Edition, Routledge, 2018.
* Selected scientific research
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) PBL / Lecture / Assignment / Groupwork
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive)
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Master Business Intelligence and Smart Services Core Course(s)