Courses Master Display 2021-2022

Course Description To PDF
Course title Project: Economics Case Studies
Course code EBP4003
ECTS credits 5,0
Assessment Whole/Half Grades
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
4 31-1-2022 25-3-2022 X
5 11-4-2022 3-6-2022 X
Level Advanced
Coordinator Clemens Kool, Niels Mourmans
For more information:;
Language of instruction English
After successfully finishing the project, students will be able to:
* apply knowledge of economic theory, approaches, perspectives, and methodologies to real-life problems and/or policy issues.
* independently acquire new knowledge and skills which are relevant for tackling an economic problem.
* translate a general problem into a specific (research) question, and make use of a relevant approach to obtain an answer.
* communicate the outcomes of the analysis in general and the proposed solution in particular.
The project aims to give students a challenging opportunity to increase their knowledge of Economics and apply it to solve important economic problems/challenges. After a common introductory part, students will work in teams, tackling a particular case, relevant to a real-life economic decision maker (be it a business, a government, or a non-government organization). In case of a project involving a company for example, the goal is to provide an analysis of and/or a solution to the problem that the organisation in question could further develop and implement. Students are encouraged to use a wide range of methods and techniques including data analysis, theoretical modelling, simulation, experiments, etc.
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Presentation / Assignment / Groupwork / Research / Skills
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Participation / Assignment / Presentation
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Master Economics - Digitalisation and the Future of Learning and Work Project(s)
Master Economics - Global Challenges and Macroeconomic Policy Project(s)
Master Economics - Market Regulation and Design Project(s)
Master Economics - No specialisation Project(s)