Courses Bachelor List 2023-2024

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Course title Code Period Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Year Of Study
Auditing and Fraud Detection EBC2058 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Brand Management EBC2062 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Comparative Management EBC2067 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Consumer Behaviour EBC2041 4 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Crisis Management in Organisations EBC2100 1 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Digital Supply Networks EBC2045 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Digitalisation and Organisations EBC2060 1 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Diversity in Entrepreneurship EBC2172 1 X X bachelor year 3
Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice EBC2171 1 X X bachelor year 3
ERP and Business Intelligence Systems EBC2061 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Global Supply Chain Management EBC2030 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Global Transportation Management EBC2065 4 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Human Resource Management EBC2163 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Intermediate Financial Accounting EBC2056 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Intermediate Financial Accounting EBC2056 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Internal Control and Accounting Information Systems EBC2057 4 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
International Financial Management EBC2070 4 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management EBC2054 1 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Knowledge Management EBC2039 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Management Accounting EBC2059 1 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Management Accounting EBC2059 4 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
MARBLE research course EBC2152 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
MARBLE research course EBC2152 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Marketing Strategy and Practice EBC2063 1 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Operations Management EBC2064 1 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Options and Futures EBC2053 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Organisational Behaviour EBC2048 4 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Services Marketing EBC2043 5 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Social Entrepreneurship EBC2147 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Sustainable Financial Management and Policy EBC2055 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Systems Analysis and Design EBC2072 4 X X bachelor year 2 or 3
Technology Entrepreneurship EBC2144 2 X X bachelor year 2 or 3