Courses NonDegree Display 2017-2018

Course Description To PDF
Course title Information, Justice and the Political Process
Course code EBC2117
ECTS credits 6,5
Assessment None
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
5 16-4-2018 8-6-2018 X/E X/E
Level Advanced
Coordinator Jona Linde
For more information:
Language of instruction English
The students will gain insight in problems of economic justice and collective decision making.
This course studies politics (the theory of the state, voting rules, voting behaviour, party politics, etc.) using the methodology of microeconomics, i.e., taking as a starting point utility maximizing agents. Furthermore, methods to evaluate market outcomes and political outcomes on the basis of (distributive) justice will be considered.
Reader and literature will be announced on Canvas .
The level of this course is relatively high and preferably third year students should register. Knowledge and understanding of microeconomics [level comparable to "Microeconomics" ] and quantitative methods [level comparable to "Quantitative Methods III" ] is required. Exchange students need to follow a Bachelor in economics. Exchange students should have a good background in microeconomics to benefit optimally from the course.
an advanced level of English
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) PBL / Presentation / Assignment
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Final Paper / Participation / Written Exam
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Bachelor Economics and Business Economics Specialisation Economics Economics Electives
Bachelor Economics and Business Economics Specialisation Economics and Management of Information Year 3 Compulsory Courses
Bachelor Econometrics and Operations Research Business & Economics Electives
SBE Exchange Bachelor Bachelor Exchange Courses
SBE Exchange Master Bachelor Exchange Courses
SBE Non Degree Courses Bachelor Courses