Courses NonDegree Display 2024-2025

Course Description To PDF
Course title Financial Markets and Institutions (EFR)
Course code EBC4077
ECTS credits 6,5
Assessment Whole/Half Grades
Period Start End Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
4 3-2-2025 30-3-2025 X X
Level Advanced
Coordinator Jaap Bos
For more information:
Language of instruction English
This course provides a more formal background to financial system architecture, the industrial organisation of financial institutions and financial system regulation
This course provides an introduction to industrial organization, both theoretical and empirical. Key topics covered are: market design, competition and strategic interaction, asymmetric information and risk preferences. Although we focus content wise on financial institutions and markets, many of the models and theories covered easily extend to other fields, including growth, labor economics, health and innovation economics.
* Freixas, X and J-C. Rochet (1998). Microeconomics of Banking, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press;
* Dewatripont, M. and J. Tirole (1995). The Prudential Regulation of Banks. Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA: MIT Press.
* Bikker, J.A., J.W.B. Bos (2008), Bank Performance: A Theoretical and Empirical Framework for the Analysis of Profitability, Competition and Efficiency, Routledge, New York, U.S.A.

Selected Articles
This course is in transition for the master Business Research.
See the Master Education and Examination Regulations for more information.

The following rule applies to master Business Research students who started the programme prior to academic year 2024-2025.
The master Business Research has been discontinued.
Courses of the Business Research master’s programme will continue to be offered until and including academic year 2025-2026 with exam opportunities running until and including 2026-2027.

Only for Research Master and Phd students.
Teaching methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) PBL / Lecture / Assignment / Papers / Research
Assessment methods (indicative; course manual is definitive) Final Paper / Written Exam
Evaluation in previous academic year For the complete evaluation of this course please click "here"
This course belongs to the following programmes / specialisations
Master Business Research - No specialisation Transitional Regulation
Master Business Research - Operations Research Transitional Regulation
Master Economic and Financial Research - No specialisation Year 1 Core Course(s)
SBE Non Degree Courses Master Courses