Frame Schedule None 2018-2019

Please note: Days of education are provisional and can be changed
Per Code Title Coordinator Dep Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Note
1 EBC1001 Management of Organisations and Marketing Geyskens, Kensbock OSE (O&S) L X X
1 EBC1002 Management of Organisations and Marketing Geyskens, Kensbock OSE (O&S) L X X
1 EBC1003 Management of Organisations and Marketing Geyskens, Kensbock OSE (O&S) L X X
1 EBC1005 Quantitative Methods I Tempelaar KE L X X L
1 EBC1006 Quantitative Methods I Tempelaar KE L X L X
1 EBC1007 Quantitative Methods I Tempelaar KE L X L X
1 EBC1008 Linear Algebra Jansen KE L X
1 EBC1016 Analysis I Graaff KE L X
1 EBC1036 Quantitative Introduction to Business Hoesel KE X X L
1 EBC2001 Macroeconomics and Finance Bos, Kool, Bicu FIN X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC2002 Accounting II Renders AIM X X
1 EBC2007 Finance and Accounting Kleimeier FIN X/E L X/E evening education possible
1 EBC2008 Management of Organisations Schumacher OSE (O&S) L X X
1 EBC2010 Microeconomics: Choices, Markets and Welfare Seel MPE (AE1) X/E L X/E evening education possible
1 EBC2011 Quantitative Methods III (IES) Graaff KE L X/E X/E
1 EBC2018 Introduction into the Information Society Tsakas MPE (AE1) X/E X/E
1 EBC2019 Banking Bos, Piccillo MILE (AE2) X/E L X/E evening education possible
1 EBC2032 Managing Learning & Development at the workplace Beausaert, Hoven ERD X X
1 EBC2037 Culture, politics and society in contemporary Asia Veen MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC2051 Business and Politics in Europe Figge OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC2054 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Otten FIN X X
1 EBC2060 Information Management Joshi AIM X X
1 EBC2063 Marketing Strategy & Practice Sadowski MSCM X X
1 EBC2064 Operations Management Defryn KE X X
1 EBC2080 Behavioural Economics (IB/IBE) Karos MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC2082 Thinking Strategically Peters KE X X
1 EBC2086 Time Series Modelling Hecq KE X X
1 EBC2092 Development Economics Ziesemer MILE (AE2) X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC2096 European Labour Markets and Welfare States Regt MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC2100 Crisis Management in Organisations Marques dos Santos OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC2105 Optimisation Hoesel KE X X X
1 EBC2128 Privaatrecht Croes MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC2143 Globalisation Debate Treibich MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC2145 Birthing New Ventures Carree OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC2146 Mobilising Resources for Entrepreneurial Start-up and Growth Bammens OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC2154 Institutions, Politics and Entrepreneurship in Emerging Markets Thomsson MPE (AE1) X X X
1 EBC2160 Culture, Politics and Society in Contemporary Latin America Thomsson MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4004 Stochastic Processes Eichler KE X L
1 EBC4013 Purchasing Management Rozemeijer MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC4018 Supply Chain Strategy Pinto Pereira Rebelo Cotta MSCM X X
1 EBC4023 ECB and Monetary Policy Kool MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4037 Assurance Services Vanstraelen AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC4038 Cases in Management Information Systems Vluggen AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC4040 Taxation, Financial Decision-making & Accounting. Kaenen AIM X X
1 EBC4044 International Competitive Analysis and Strategy Bos OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC4047 Organisational Change and Consultancy Günter OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC4052 Corporate Governance and Restructuring Kleimeier FIN X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC4069 Internal Control Schelleman AIM X X X X
1 EBC4073 International Business Research Pfann OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC4076 Service Management Odekerken-Schröder MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
1 EBC4080 Marketing Research Methods Graus MSCM X X X
1 EBC4089 Economic and Social Policy Research Golsteyn, Regt MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4092 Economics of labour markets and human capital Fouarge ROA X X
1 EBC4093 Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Bammens OSE (O&S) X
1 EBC4095 Financial Research Methods Pownall FIN X X X X
1 EBC4097 Quantitative Techniques for Financial Economics Eichler, Bastürk KE X L X
1 EBC4099 Study Coaching Trajectory Gast ERD C
1 EBC4104 Business Analysis Grigoriev, Staudigl KE X X
1 EBC4122 Methods and Methodology* Vredeveld KE X X
1 EBC4126 Shareholder Value & Market Based Assets Jiao, Ruof FIN X X
1 EBC4127 Supply Chain Operations* Peeters KE X
1 EBC4132 Advanced Course in Accounting Moers AIM C
1 EBC4136 Workshops in Finance Rodrigues FIN X X
1 EBC4138 Research Methods in Services Marketing Brüggen MSCM X X
1 EBC4139 Advanced Research in organisations Jong OSE (O&S) C
1 EBC4143 Technology and Productivity Growth Zon MILE (AE2) C
1 EBC4146 Game Theory Peters KE X X
1 EBC4149 Planning and Scheduling Vredeveld KE C
1 EBC4182 Mathematical Research Tools Peters KE X X
1 EBC4183 Empirical Analysis I Hecq, Foubert KE X X
1 EBC4184 Empirical Econometrics 1 Mohnen KE X X
1 EBC4186 Advanced Macroeconomics Lieb MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4188 Game Theory and Optimisation Vermeulen, Staudigl KE X X
1 EBC4190 Capita Selecta Economic and Financial Research Hecq KE C
1 EBC4197 Theory of Individual and Strategic Decisions Tsakas MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4198 Cognitive Psychology of Decision Making Verduyn MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4199 Integration Workshop (HDS) Strobel MPE (AE1) X
1 EBC4200 Behavioural Economics (EFR) Linde MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4201 Advanced Microeconomics Karos MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4202 Human Behaviour and Economic Policy Teh MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4207 Economics of Education Schils MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4210 Service Science Factory Project (DD) Mahr MSCM C
1 EBC4211 Sustainable Finance, Management and Strategy Derwall FIN X X
1 EBC4216 Entrepreneurship and Research Methods Huybrechts OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC4217 Family- and Founder-driven Enterprises Bammens OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC4219 Service Design Mahr MSCM X X
1 EBC4220 Business Analytics De Almeida e Santos Nogueira KE X X
1 EBC4228 Business Research Disciplinary Course 1 Bos MSCM C
1 EBC4232 Advanced Microeconomics MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4233 Empirical Methods in Economics Golsteyn, Regt MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4244 International Macroeconomics and Finance for Emerging Markets Eichholtz, Treibich MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBP4004 Policy in Emerging Markets Haaland UNU-MERIT [SBE] C Plus period 2
1 EBS1008 Orientation Graaff KE C
1 EBS2067 Creative Problem-Solving and Communication Skills for Emerging Markets Belfi ROA C
1 EBS4034 Individual Competence Development Tsakas MPE (AE1) X Plus period 2
1 PRI3002 Inleiding Ondernemings- en Faillissementsrecht Hamers MPE (AE1) C
1 TAX2001 Hoofdzaken Formeel Belastingrecht Gorissen FoL [SBE]
1 TAX4001 Fiscaal Concernrecht Arts FoL [SBE]
1 TAX4010 Fundamentals of International Taxation (FdR) Man FoL [SBE]
2 EBC1008 Linear Algebra Jansen KE L X
2 EBC1009 Economics and Business Wibral MPE (AE1) X L X
2 EBC1010 Microeconomics Kerckhoffs MPE (AE1) L X X
2 EBC1011 Microeconomics Kerckhoffs MPE (AE1) L X X
2 EBC1012 Microeconomics Kerckhoffs MPE (AE1) L X X
2 EBC1013 Accounting Haesebrouck AIM L X X
2 EBC1014 Accounting Haesebrouck AIM L X X
2 EBC1015 Accounting Haesebrouck AIM L X X
2 EBC1016 Analysis I Graaff KE L X
2 EBC1037 Accounting and Financial Reporting Renders AIM L X X
2 EBC1038 Accounting and Financial Reporting Renders AIM L X X
2 EBC1039 Accounting and Financial Reporting Renders AIM L X X
2 EBC2005 Industrial Organisation Bos OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2006 Financial Markets Jiao FIN X X evening education possible
2 EBC2009 Marketing Management Hilken MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2012 Public Economics Seel MPE (AE1) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2016 Programming Berger KE L X X
2 EBC2017 Design of Tax Systems Bosmans MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC2021 Global Business Lokshin, Bartczek OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2030 Global Supply Chain Management Semeijn MSCM X X
2 EBC2036 Management & organisation of Asian Enterprises Veen MILE (AE2) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2039 Knowledge Management Sutton AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2040 Macroeconomics and Economic Policy Regt MILE (AE2) X L X
2 EBC2055 Financial Management and Policy Merk, Bos FIN X X
2 EBC2062 Brand Management Caic MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2067 Comparative Management Diepen OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2069 International Business History Wegberg OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2090 Empirical Econometrics Crombrugghe KE X X
2 EBC2094 Behavioural Economics Meissner MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC2095 Economics and Sociology Borghans MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC2103 Economic Psychology Werner MPE (AE1) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2110 Game Theory and Economics Vermeulen KE X/E X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2130 ICT, Labour and Inequality Meijers MILE (AE2) X X X
2 EBC2138 Job Performance and the Employment Relationship Kuenn MILE (AE2) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2144 Commercialising Science & Technology Carree OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2147 Social & Environmental Entrepreneurship Ormiston OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC2152 MARBLE research course Moers ERD X X
2 EBC2155 Growth and International Economic Relations in Emerging Economies Treibich MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC2159 Management and Organisation of Latin American Enterprises Thomsson MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC2161 Doing Business in Emerging Markets (Capita Selecta) Veen MILE (AE2) C
2 EBC4005 Social Choice Theory Storcken KE X X
2 EBC4008 Time Series Methods and Dynamic Econometrics Wilms, Telg KE X X X
2 EBC4014 Retailing and the Supply Chain Foubert MSCM X X
2 EBC4022 Economic Analysis of Social Behaviour Schils MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4029 Open Macroeconomics in a Global Society Kool MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4034 Tax Policy in the International Context Mierlo MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4036 International trade, technology, and distribution Ziesemer MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4039 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Vorst AIM X X
2 EBC4041 Entrepreneurship and Innovation Blumberg OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC4048 Organisational Learning Hamstra OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC4049 Algorithms and Optimisation Grigoriev KE X X
2 EBC4054 Institutional Investors Broeders, Bonetti FIN X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC4060 Global Banking Straetmans FIN X X
2 EBC4061 Microeconomics I Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4062 Macroeconomics II Lieb MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4063 Macroeconomics I Lieb MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4079 Consumer Psychology Festjens MSCM X X
2 EBC4081 Marketing Analytics Holtrop MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC4088 Supply Chain Research Methods Graaff, Perea y Monsuwé KE X X
2 EBC4091 Data Management Walczuch AIM X X
2 EBC4093 Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Bammens OSE (O&S) X
2 EBC4096 Political Economy Bosmans MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4099 Study Coaching Trajectory Gast ERD C
2 EBC4102 Theories and models of learning Gijselaers ERD X X X
2 EBC4103 Accounting for Financial Markets Vorst AIM X X
2 EBC4107 Business intelligence case studies Peeters KE X X
2 EBC4111 Entrepreneurship and Innovation* Blumberg OSE (O&S) X
2 EBC4119 Life Insurance I Pelsser KE X X
2 EBC4128 Supply Chain Relationships* Kiratli MSCM X X
2 EBC4131 Strategic Performance Analysis Bruggen AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
2 EBC4133 Advanced Course in Information Management Vluggen AIM C
2 EBC4134 Empirical Analysis II Schotman AIM C
2 EBC4137 Advanced Consumer Behaviour Festjens MSCM X X
2 EBC4140 Advanced Research in Strategy Letterie OSE (O&S) C
2 EBC4142 Technology, Networks and the New Economy Cowan MILE (AE2) C
2 EBC4147 Equilibrium Theory Terstiege MPE (AE1) C
2 EBC4148 Industrial Organisation and Public Economics Seel MPE (AE1) X
2 EBC4150 Special Topics in Logistics/Operations Management Defryn KE C
2 EBC4151 Empirical Methods in Financial Research Pennings FIN X
2 EBC4152 Financial Crises and Financial Regulation Sleijpen MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4181 Entrepreneurial Finance Theunissen FIN X X
2 EBC4190 Capita Selecta Economic and Financial Research Hecq KE C
2 EBC4191 Macroeconomic Policy in Europe Veen MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4192 Market Regulation & Information Economics Meissner MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4193 Negotiation & Allocation Strobel MPE (AE1) X X X
2 EBC4199 Integration Workshop (HDS) Strobel MPE (AE1) X
2 EBC4203 Social Psychology of Decision Making Gils MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4206 Labour Economics Dohmen MILE (AE2) C
2 EBC4210 Service Science Factory Project (DD) Mahr MSCM C
2 EBC4218 High-Dimensional Econometric Methods for Big Data Smeekes KE C
2 EBC4221 Business Intelligence for Smart Services Urovi AIM X X
2 EBC4229 Business Research Disciplinary Course 2 Bos MSCM C
2 EBC4234 Advanced Macroeconomics Zon MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4235 Behavioural and Experimental Methods Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4236 Education and Labour Economics Borghans MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4246 Strategic Management in Emerging Markets Letterie OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC4247 Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Markets Thomsson MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBP4004 Policy in Emerging Markets Haaland UNU-MERIT [SBE] C
2 EBS1008 Orientation Graaff KE C
2 EBS2067 Creative Problem-Solving and Communication Skills for Emerging Markets Belfi ROA C
2 EBS4034 Individual Competence Development Tsakas MPE (AE1) X
2 TAX3003 Kostprijsverhogende Belastingen Doesum FoL [SBE]
2 TAX3004 Winst uit onderneming Bollen FoL [SBE]
2 TAX4002 International and European Tax Law Prokisch FoL [SBE]
3 EBC4093 Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Bammens OSE (O&S) X
3 EBS1001 Reflections on academic discourse Wibral MPE (AE1) C
3 EBS2001 Quantitative Methods III (IB/FE) Kerckhoffs KE C
3 EBS2002 Second -year Project I Storcken KE C
3 EBS2013 Country Risk Analysis Thomsson MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS2017 Managing Takeovers Jongen FIN C
3 EBS2018 Excel for Finance Carlo FIN C
3 EBS2027 Quantitative Methods III (IBE/INF) Hoesel KE L X X
3 EBS2030 Presentation Skills Magnée MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS2035 Interview Skills and Techniques Bartczek MSCM C
3 EBS2038 SPSS for Windows Paulissen KE C
3 EBS2040 Introduction to Web Programming with PHP Haenbeukers MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS2043 Introduction to Software in Econometrics, Operations Research and Actuarial Science Bastürk KE C
3 EBS2064 QM Emerging Markets Kerckhoffs KE C
3 EBS2144 Creativity & Concept Development Carree OSE (O&S) C
3 EBS4001 Data Analysis Skills Foubert MSCM C
3 EBS4003 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Fiscal Economics Mierlo MPE (AE1) C
3 EBS4005 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: MOL Beausaert ERD C
3 EBS4007 Topics in Computational Econometrics Smeekes KE C
3 EBS4008 Operations Research Software Vredeveld KE C
3 EBS4011 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Acc, Contr., IM + BI Vorst AIM C
3 EBS4012 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Finance Vandenboorn FIN C
3 EBS4013 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Organisation Lokshin OSE (O&S) C
3 EBS4014 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: INF Kuenn MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS4015 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Economics Mackenzie MPE (AE1) C
3 EBS4016 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategic Marketing Kiratli MSCM C
3 EBS4018 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB- Entrepreneurship & SME Management Lokshin OSE (O&S) C
3 EBS4020 Topics in Computational Actuarial Methods Beutner KE C
3 EBS4021 Presentation Skills (Master) Goukens MSCM C
3 EBS4022 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Supply Chain Management Kiratli MSCM C
3 EBS4025 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategy Lokshin OSE (O&S) C
3 EBS4027 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: HDS Vostroknutov MPE (AE1) C
3 EBS4028 Stata for applied economics Regt MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS4029 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Financial Economics Vandenboorn FIN C
3 EBS4030 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-MGB Lokshin OSE (O&S) C
3 EBS4033 Writing a Master Thesis Proposal: BISS Bastürk KE C
3 EBS4035 Writing a Master’s Thesis Proposal: Economics Kuenn MPE (AE1) C
3 EBS4037 Writing a Master’s Thesis Proposal: Economics and Strategy in Emerging Markets Kuenn N/A C
3 EBS4038 Research Design and Methodology for a Thesis: Global Supply Chain Management and Change Vredeveld, Kiratli KE
4 EBC1017 Strategy Ekert, Letterie OSE (O&S) L X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC1018 Macroeconomics Piccillo MILE (AE2) L X/E X/E L evening education possible
4 EBC1019 Macroeconomics Piccillo MILE (AE2) L X/E X/E L evening education possible
4 EBC1020 Macroeconomics Piccillo MILE (AE2) L X/E X/E L evening education possible
4 EBC1024 Probability Theory Eichler KE X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC1032 Analysis II Staudigl KE X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC1033 Quantitative Methods II (IB) Kerckhoffs KE L X/E X/E L evening education possible
4 EBC1034 Quantitative Methods II (EBE) Kerckhoffs KE L X/E X/E L evening education possible
4 EBC1035 Quantitative Methods II (EBE) Kerckhoffs KE L X/E X/E L evening education possible
4 EBC2003 Management Information Systems Joshi AIM X X
4 EBC2013 Productivity Kerckhoffs MILE (AE2) X L X
4 EBC2014 International Economics Zon MILE (AE2) X/E L X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2020 Corporate Governance Deumes, Merk AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2023 Managerial Economics Vostroknutov MPE (AE1) L X X
4 EBC2024 Marketing & Supply Chain Management Kiratli MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2031 Cognition, Learning and Human Performance Gijselaers, Smeets ERD X X
4 EBC2041 Consumer Behaviour Geyskens MSCM X X
4 EBC2048 Organisational Behaviour Günter OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC2050 Project and Process Management Bollen OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC2057 Internal Control and Accounting Information Systems Schelleman AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2059 Management Accounting Feichter AIM X X
4 EBC2065 Global Transportation Management Bartczek MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2070 International Financial Management Vandenboorn FIN X X
4 EBC2072 Systems Analysis and Design Aysolmaz AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2077 Public Management Reform and Public Entrepreneurship Mierlo MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC2089 Forecasting for Economics and Business Pfann KE X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2091 Auctions and Electronic Markets Vermeulen KE X X
4 EBC2093 International Competition Policy Meissner MPE (AE1) X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2106 Operations Research Vredeveld KE X X
4 EBC2107 Mathematical Statistics Smeekes KE L X/E evening education possible
4 EBC2116 Dynamic Modelling and Dynamic Optimisation Storcken, Graaff KE X X
4 EBC2119 Financial Economics Lieb MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC2120 Econometric Methods II Crombrugghe KE X X
4 EBC2121 Allocations and Algorithms Berger KE X X
4 EBC2122 Actuarial Mathematics Beutner KE X X
4 EBC2127 Public Finance Mackenzie MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC2156 Innovation in Emerging Economies Lokshin OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC4006 Econometric Methods for Cross-sectional and Panel Data Crombrugghe KE X X X
4 EBC4007 Industrial Economics Perea y Monsuwé, Woolnough KE X X
4 EBC4016 Supply Chain Operations Defryn KE X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC4018 Supply Chain Strategy Pinto Pereira Rebelo Cotta MSCM X X
4 EBC4021 Psychology and Economics Meissner MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC4034 Tax Policy in the International Context Mierlo MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC4042 Leadership Jong OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC4043 Alliances and M&As Hünermund OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC4046 Economics of Strategy and Innovation Belderbos OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC4051 Modelling and Solver Technology Abiad Monge KE X X
4 EBC4053 Behavioural Finance Post FIN X X
4 EBC4058 Fixed Income Management Post FIN X X
4 EBC4069 Internal Control Schelleman AIM X X X X
4 EBC4073 International Business Research Pfann OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC4074 Financial Accounting Renders AIM X X
4 EBC4077 Financial Markets and Institutions (EFR) Bos FIN X X
4 EBC4080 Marketing Research Methods Graus MSCM X X X
4 EBC4082 Value-Based Marketing Brüggen MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
4 EBC4089 Economic and Social Policy Research Golsteyn, Regt MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4093 Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Bammens OSE (O&S) X
4 EBC4095 Financial Research Methods Pownall FIN X X X X
4 EBC4097 Quantitative Techniques for Financial Economics Eichler, Bastürk KE X L X
4 EBC4098 Selected Topics in Strategic HRM Diepen OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC4099 Study Coaching Trajectory Gast ERD C
4 EBC4104 Business Analysis Grigoriev, Staudigl KE X X
4 EBC4105 Business and Supply Chain Strategy* Semeijn MSCM X X
4 EBC4114 ICT in the Supply Chain* Quintens MSCM X
4 EBC4118 IT Project Management Harmsen AIM X X
4 EBC4121 Mathematical Finance Beutner KE X X
4 EBC4135 Data Analytics in Practice Pfann OSE (O&S) X
4 EBC4186 Advanced Macroeconomics Lieb MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4190 Capita Selecta Economic and Financial Research Hecq KE C
4 EBC4201 Advanced Microeconomics Karos MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC4202 Human Behaviour and Economic Policy Teh MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC4204 Microeconomics II Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC4212 Sustainable and Responsible Investments Smeets FIN X X
4 EBC4216 Entrepreneurship and Research Methods Huybrechts OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC4222 Descriptive and Predictive Analytics Bastürk KE X X
4 EBC4224 Advanced Data Systems for Smart Services Urovi AIM X X
4 EBC4226 Interaction Design Graus MSCM X X
4 EBC4230 Business Research Disciplinary Course 3 Bos MSCM C
4 EBC4237 Economic Analysis of Behaviour Schils MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4238 Shocks, Cycles and Stabilization Kool MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4239 Market Regulation and Competition Policy MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC4248 Program and Policy Evaluation in Emerging Markets Nillesen UNU-MERIT [SBE] X X
4 EBC4249 Governance and Institutions in Emerging Markets Konte UNU-MERIT [SBE] X X
4 EBP4003 Project: Economics case studies Schils MILE (AE2) X Plus period 5
4 EBS1008 Orientation Graaff KE C
4 TAX3005 Vennootschapsbelasting Arts FoL [SBE]
4 TAX3009 Comparative Income and Business Taxation Luja MPE (AE1)
4 TAX4004 Pensioen Bollen FoL [SBE]
4 TAX4008 Estate Planning: Bedrijfsopvolging Luja FoL [SBE]
4 TAX4009 Cross-border taxation of human capital Weerepas MPE (AE1)
5 EBC1024 Probability Theory Eichler KE X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC1025 Finance Straetmans FIN L X X
5 EBC1026 Finance Straetmans FIN L X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC1027 Finance Straetmans FIN L X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC1028 Finance Straetmans FIN L X X evening education possible
5 EBC1029 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management Suurmond MSCM L X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC1030 International Economic Relations Mau MILE (AE2) L X X
5 EBC1031 International Economic Relations Mau MILE (AE2) L X X
5 EBC1032 Analysis II Staudigl KE X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2015 Institutions, Behaviour and Welfare Vostroknutov MPE (AE1) X/E L X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2022 Management of Operations and Product Development Oosterwijk KE X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2025 Quantitative Business Kerckhoffs KE L X X
5 EBC2027 International Business Strategy Letterie OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2029 Understanding Society Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC2034 International Business Law Kornet, Beckers FoL [SBE] X X
5 EBC2043 Services Marketing Hilken MSCM X X
5 EBC2045 Digital Supply Networks Bartczek MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2053 Options and Futures Rodrigues FIN X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2056 International Financial Accounting Van Peteghem AIM X X
5 EBC2058 Auditing Vanstraelen AIM X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2061 ERP and Business Intelligence Systems Aydin AIM X X
5 EBC2068 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation Wegberg OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC2081 Ethics, organisations and Society Sutton FIN X X
5 EBC2088 Decision Support Systems and Business Modelling Flesch KE X X
5 EBC2108 Information, Markets and Organisations Terstiege MPE (AE1) X X
5 EBC2109 Network Economics Cowan MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC2111 Econometric Methods I Hecq KE X X
5 EBC2117 Information, Justice and the Political Process Linde MPE (AE1) X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2124 Actuarial Modelling Beutner KE X X
5 EBC2125 Actuarial Statistics Peters KE X X
5 EBC2129 Structuur Loon- en Inkomstenbelasting Weerepas MPE (AE1) X X X X X
5 EBC2148 Innovation in Business and Economic Growth Visentin MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC2150 Applied Research Project Berger KE C
5 EBC2151 Econometrics and OR Modelling Berger KE C
5 EBC2152 MARBLE research course Moers ERD X X
5 EBC2153 History of Economic Thought Veen, Bosmans MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC2157 Financing Emerging Economies Eichholtz FIN X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC2158 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Vuong OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC2163 Human Resource Management Diepen OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC4009 Equilibrium Theory and Financial Markets Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) X X
5 EBC4010 Empirical Analysis of Financial Markets Schotman FIN X X
5 EBC4011 Capita Selecta Quantitative Economics: Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, and Operations Research Vermeulen KE C
5 EBC4020 Growth and Innovation in Europe Zon MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC4030 Public Policy Evaluation Mierlo MPE (AE1) X X
5 EBC4032 Nature of human motivation Dohmen MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC4045 Managers @ Work Foppen OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC4055 Real Estate Finance Kok, Palacios Temprano FIN X X
5 EBC4056 Risk Management Bams FIN X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC4057 Corporate Finance Rodrigues FIN X X
5 EBC4059 Business Process Management Aysolmaz AIM X X
5 EBC4070 Business Research Strategy AIM X X
5 EBC4078 Marketing Innovation Management Mahr MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC4079 Consumer Psychology Festjens MSCM X X
5 EBC4087 Supply Chain Metrics Pinto Pereira Rebelo Cotta MSCM X X evening education possible
5 EBC4088 Supply Chain Research Methods Graaff, Perea y Monsuwé KE X X
5 EBC4090 Management Control and accountability in small and medium-sized enterprises Deumes AIM X X
5 EBC4093 Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Bammens OSE (O&S) X
5 EBC4099 Study Coaching Trajectory Gast ERD C
5 EBC4100 Supporting learning at the workplace Segers ERD X X
5 EBC4106 Business Innovation and Sustainable Development Lopes-Bento OSE (O&S) X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC4107 Business intelligence case studies Peeters KE X X
5 EBC4113 Financial Product Development: A Marketing-Finance Approach Pennings, Merk MSCM X/E X/E evening education possible
5 EBC4120 Life Insurance II Beutner KE X X
5 EBC4123 Operational Strategy Bollen OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC4125 Research Strategy Borghans, Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC4153 Emergence of the Global Economy Treibich MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC4154 Management Control Moers AIM X/E X/E Evening education possible
5 EBC4187 Operations Research Applications Berger KE C
5 EBC4190 Capita Selecta Economic and Financial Research Hecq KE C
5 EBC4194 Strategic Firm Behaviour & Competition Policy Woolnough MPE (AE1) X X
5 EBC4196 Economics @Work Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC4205 Empirical Econometrics 2 Wilms KE C
5 EBC4213 Entrepreneurship and Industrial Organisation in Europe Figge OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC4214 European Business Context Kool MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC4223 Smart Decision Support Systems Holtrop MSCM X X
5 EBC4225 Data visualisation Foubert MSCM X X
5 EBC4227 Value Proposition and Pricing of Smart Services Ebrahim MSCM X X
5 EBC4231 Business Research Disciplinary Course 4 Bos MSCM C
5 EBC4240 Understanding and Implementing Empirical Methods Dohmen MPE (AE1) X X
5 EBC4241 Globalisation, Technology and Distribution Ziesemer MPE (AE1) X X
5 EBC4242 Market Design Seel MPE (AE1) X X
5 EBC4253 Trade, FDI and Global Value Chains Treibich, Foster-McGregor UNU-MERIT [SBE] X X
5 EBP4003 Project: Economics case studies Schils MILE (AE2) X
5 EBS1008 Orientation Graaff KE C
5 EBS4019 Project and Change Management* Bollen OSE (O&S) C
5 TAX3008 Nederlands Internationaal Belastingrecht Schaper FoL [SBE]
6 EBC4093 Developing Entrepreneurial Skills Bammens OSE (O&S) X
6 EBS1005 Management Game Bollen OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS1006 Economy Game Werner MPE (AE1) C evening education possible
6 EBS1007 Economy Game Werner MPE (AE1) C evening education possible
6 EBS1008 Orientation Graaff KE C
6 EBS2003 Second-year Project II Berger KE C
6 EBS2015 Business Plan Broersma OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS2019 Communication and leadership skills Schumacher OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS2022 Finance Field Trip Carlo FIN C
6 EBS2024 Economic Study Trip Regt MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS2025 Accounting and Controlling in Practice Feichter, Timmermans AIM C
6 EBS2029 Writing a Review Mierlo MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS2030 Presentation Skills Magnée MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS2033 Real Estate Investment and Valuation Langen FIN C
6 EBS2036 Game Theory, Basic Concepts and Applications Tsakas, Peters KE C
6 EBS2037 Sampling Design Brakel KE C
6 EBS2039 Spreadsheets Ekert OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS2041 International Negotiation Skills Bartczek MSCM C
6 EBS2044 Writing a Bachelor Thesis Ect, OR, Act Sc. Berger KE C
6 EBS2057 Fraud and Crime in the Firm Kuenn MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS2058 Learning by Experimenting Borghans MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS2059 Cost-Benefit Analysis Bosmans MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS2062 Mobile Innovation and Marketing Lemmink MSCM C
6 EBS4003 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Fiscal Economics Mierlo MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS4005 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: MOL Beausaert ERD C
6 EBS4011 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Acc, Contr., IM + BI Vorst AIM C
6 EBS4012 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Finance Vandenboorn FIN C
6 EBS4013 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Organisation Lokshin OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS4014 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: INF Kuenn MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS4015 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Economics Mackenzie MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS4016 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategic Marketing Kiratli MSCM C
6 EBS4018 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB- Entrepreneurship & SME Management Lokshin OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS4022 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Supply Chain Management Kiratli MSCM C
6 EBS4024 Writing a Referee Report Smeekes KE C
6 EBS4025 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategy Lokshin OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS4026 Experimental Economics Methods Wibral MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS4027 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: HDS Vostroknutov MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS4029 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Financial Economics Vandenboorn FIN C
6 EBS4035 Writing a Master’s Thesis Proposal: Economics Kuenn MPE (AE1) C
S1 EBP4001 Smart Service Innovation Project I Jongen, De Almeida e Santos Nogueira FIN X
S1 EBT0001 Bachelor Thesis Economics Bosmans, Thomsson MPE (AE1) C
S1 EBT0002 Bachelor Thesis Fiscale Economie Mierlo MPE (AE1) C
S1 EBT0004 Bachelor Thesis Economics & Management of Information Meijers MILE (AE2) C
S1 EBT0005 Bachelor Thesis Major Accounting Schelleman AIM C
S1 EBT0006 Bachelor Thesis Major Finance Kleimeier FIN C
S1 EBT0007 Bachelor Thesis Major Information Management Vluggen AIM C
S1 EBT0008 Bachelor Thesis Major Marketing Quintens MSCM C
S1 EBT0009 Bachelor Thesis Major Organisation Wegberg OSE (O&S) C
S1 EBT0010 Bachelor Thesis Major SCM Quintens MSCM C
S1 EBT0011 Bachelor Thesis Major Strategy Wegberg OSE (O&S) C
S1 EBT0012 Bachelor Thesis Major MicroEconomics Bosmans MPE (AE1) C
S1 EBT0013 Bachelor Thesis Major MacroEconomics Regt MILE (AE2) C
S1 EBT0014 Bachelor Thesis Emerging Markets Thomsson MILE (AE2) C
S1 EBT0015 Bachelor Thesis Marble Renders ERD C
S2 EBC4215 Global Leadership and Cultural Intelligence Heijltjes OSE (O&S) C
S2 EBP4002 Smart Service Innovation Project II Hoesel KE X
S2 EBS4101 MGB Chinese Language Skill FB SBE C
S2 EBS4102 MGB Spanish Language Skill FB SBE C
S2 EBT0001 Bachelor Thesis Economics Bosmans, Thomsson MPE (AE1) C
S2 EBT0002 Bachelor Thesis Fiscale Economie Mierlo MPE (AE1) C
S2 EBT0004 Bachelor Thesis Economics & Management of Information Meijers MILE (AE2) C
S2 EBT0005 Bachelor Thesis Major Accounting Schelleman AIM C
S2 EBT0006 Bachelor Thesis Major Finance Kleimeier FIN C
S2 EBT0007 Bachelor Thesis Major Information Management Vluggen AIM C
S2 EBT0008 Bachelor Thesis Major Marketing Quintens MSCM C
S2 EBT0009 Bachelor Thesis Major Organisation Wegberg OSE (O&S) C
S2 EBT0010 Bachelor Thesis Major SCM Quintens MSCM C
S2 EBT0011 Bachelor Thesis Major Strategy Wegberg OSE (O&S) C
S2 EBT0012 Bachelor Thesis Major MicroEconomics Bosmans MPE (AE1) C
S2 EBT0013 Bachelor Thesis Major MacroEconomics Regt MILE (AE2) C
S2 EBT0014 Bachelor Thesis Emerging Markets Thomsson MILE (AE2) C
S2 EBT0015 Bachelor Thesis Marble Renders ERD C
Year EBC4299 Study Coaching Trajectory Nievelstein ERD C
Year EBS2063 Market Research in Emerging Economies Quintens MSCM C evening education possible
Year EBS4031 World of Research BR Strobel AIM C
Year EBS4032 World of Research EFR Strobel AIM C
Year EBS4036 Professional Development in Emerging Markets Treibich MILE (AE2) C