Frame Schedule Master 2024-2025

Please note: Days of education are provisional and can be changed
Per Code Title Coordinator Dep Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Note
N/A EBC4014 Retailing and the Supply Chain MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBC4043 Alliances and M&As OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4070 Business Research Strategy EEO Cancelled
N/A EBC4073 International Business Research OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4080 Marketing Research Methods MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBC4081 Marketing Analytics MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBC4082 Value-Based Marketing MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBC4087 Supply Chain Metrics MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBC4088 Supply Chain Research Methods KE Cancelled
N/A EBC4090 Management Control in Small and Medium-sized Enterprises AIM Cancelled
N/A EBC4093 Developing Entrepreneurial Skills OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4095 Financial Research Methods FIN Cancelled
N/A EBC4104 Business Analysis DAD Cancelled
N/A EBC4118 IT Project Management AIM Cancelled
N/A EBC4123 Operational Strategy OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4142 Technology, Networks and the New Economy MILE (AE2) Cancelled
N/A EBC4143 Technology and Productivity Growth MILE (AE2) Cancelled
N/A EBC4146 Game Theory KE Cancelled
N/A EBC4147 Equilibrium Theory MPE (AE1) Cancelled
N/A EBC4148 Industrial Organisation and Public Economics MPE (AE1) Cancelled
N/A EBC4152 Financial Crises and Financial Regulation MILE (AE2) Cancelled
N/A EBC4206 Labour Economics MILE (AE2) Cancelled
N/A EBC4216 Entrepreneurship and Research Methods OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4217 Family- and Founder-driven Enterprises OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4221 Business Intelligence for Smart Services AIM Cancelled
N/A EBC4224 Advanced Data Systems for Smart Services AIM Cancelled
N/A EBC4226 Interaction Design MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBC4227 Value Proposition and Pricing of Smart Services MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBC4248 Program and Policy Evaluation in Emerging Markets MILE (AE2) Cancelled
N/A EBC4259 Understanding and Implementing Empirical Methods (HDS) MILE (AE2) Cancelled
N/A EBC4260 Economic Analysis of Behaviour (HDS) MILE (AE2) Cancelled
N/A EBC4261 Market Design (HDS) MPE (AE1) Cancelled
N/A EBC4263 Data Analytics (Accounting/Finance/Strategy) OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4264 Data Analytics (IMBI/SCM) OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4265 Data Analytics (Entrepreneurship/Marketing/Organisation) OSE (O&S) Cancelled
N/A EBC4299 Study Coaching Trajectory MSCM Cancelled
N/A EBP4001 Smart Service Innovation Project I FIN Cancelled
N/A EBP4002 Smart Service Innovation Project II FIN Cancelled
N/A EBS4007 Topics in Computational Econometrics KE Cancelled
N/A EBS4008 Operations Research Software KE Cancelled
N/A EBS4011 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Acc, Contr., IM + BI DAD Cancelled
N/A EBS4020 Topics in Computational Actuarial Methods KE
N/A EBS4033 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: BISS (4.0 ECTS) KE Cancelled
N/A SSP4011 Sustainability Assessment Skills MSI [SBE] Cancelled
N/A SSP5011 Introduction to Sustainable Business Bocken, Bluntz MSI [SBE] Cancelled
N/A SSP5031 Sustainable Entrepreneurship Bocken, Bluntz MSI [SBE] Cancelled
N/A TAX4002 International and European Tax Law FoL [SBE] Cancelled
N/A TAX4020 Transfer Pricing FoL [SBE] Cancelled
1 EBC4004 Stochastic Processes Eichler KE X L
1 EBC4018 Strategies and Technologies in the Supply Chain Pinto Pereira Rebelo Cotta MSCM X X
1 EBC4023 ECB and Monetary Policy Sleijpen MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4037 Assurance Services and Audit Analytics Vanstraelen AIM X X evening education possible
1 EBC4040 Taxation, Financial Decision-making & Accounting. Kaenen AIM X X
1 EBC4041 Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation Gils OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC4047 Organisational Change and Consultancy Günter OSE (O&S) X X evening education possible
1 EBC4052 Corporate Governance and Financial Stakeholders Kleimeier FIN X X evening education possible
1 EBC4078 Marketing Strategy and Innovation Mahr MSCM X X
1 EBC4083 Digital Business and Economics Müller, Borghans DAD X X
1 EBC4091 Data Management Walczuch AIM X X
1 EBC4092 Development and Value of Human Capital: An Economic Perspective Künn, Pérez Rodríguez ROA X X
1 EBC4097 Quantitative Techniques for Financial Economics Bastürk KE X X X
1 EBC4122 Methods and Methodology* Vredeveld KE X X
1 EBC4126 Shareholder Value and Market Based Assets Post FIN X X
1 EBC4127 Supply Chain Operations* Peeters KE X
1 EBC4131 Forecasting and Business Analysis Bruggen AIM X X
1 EBC4132 Advanced Course in Accounting Moers AIM C
1 EBC4138 Research Methods in Services Marketing Brüggen MSCM X X
1 EBC4139 Advanced Research in organisations Jong OSE (O&S) C
1 EBC4149 Planning and Scheduling Vredeveld KE C
1 EBC4182 Mathematical Research Tools Perea y Monsuwé KE X X
1 EBC4183 Empirical Analysis I Smeekes, Holtrop KE X X
1 EBC4184 Empirical Econometrics 1 Schumann KE X X
1 EBC4188 Game Theory and Optimisation Schröder, Timmermans KE X X
1 EBC4197 Theory of Individual and Strategic Decisions Tsakas MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4198 Cognitive Psychology of Decision Making Verduyn MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4199 Integration Workshop (HDS) Strobel MPE (AE1) X P1+P2
1 EBC4200 Behavioural Economics (EFR) Riedl MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4207 Economics of Education Schils MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4211 Sustainable Corporate Finance and Valuation Derwall FIN X X
1 EBC4219 Service Design Birgelen MSCM X X
1 EBC4220 Business Analytics De Almeida e Santos Nogueira DAD X X
1 EBC4233 Empirical Methods in Economics Golsteyn MILE (AE2) X X In transition (Education+Exam)
1 EBC4244 International Macroeconomics and Finance for Emerging Markets Treibich, Ivanov MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4271 Data Analytics for DBE Grigoriev DAD X X
1 EBC4274 Economics and Data Lieb, Meissner MILE (AE2) C
1 EBC4280 Research in International Business Schumacher, Efendic MSCM X X
1 EBP4004 Policy in Emerging Markets Haaland MILE (AE2) C P1+P2
1 SSP1022 Problem-based Learning and Academic Skills Zeijl-Rozema MSI [SBE] C P1+P2
1 SSP2011 Sustainable Development Huynen MSI [SBE] X X
1 SSP2031 Sustainability Science Cörvers, Moody MSI [SBE] X X
1 SSP4013 Systems Modelling Wensing MSI [SBE] X
1 SSP4014 Scenario Analysis Rijkens-Klomp MSI [SBE] X
1 TAX4001 Europese en Nederlandse Vennootschapsbelasting Arts FoL [SBE]
1 TAX4010 Fundamentals of International Taxation Dziurdz FoL [SBE]
2 EBC4005 Collective Decision Making Dietzenbacher KE X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4008 Time Series Econometrics Wilms KE X X X
2 EBC4016 Supply Chain Operations Management Timmermans KE X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4026 Ethics, Privacy and Security in a Digital Society Mehta DAD X X
2 EBC4029 Open Macroeconomics in a Global Society Sampaio Lima MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4034 Tax Policy in the International Context Meissner MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4038 Cases in Management Information Systems Vluggen AIM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4039 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Vorst AIM X X
2 EBC4044 International Competitive Analysis and Strategy Bos OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4048 Organisational Learning Huppertz OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4049 Algorithms and Optimisation Hoesel KE X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4054 Institutional Investors Otten FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4060 Global Banking Lieb, Broeders FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4061 Microeconomics I Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4062 Macroeconomics II Sampaio Lima MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4063 Macroeconomics I Lieb MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4079 Consumer Psychology Boer MSCM X X
2 EBC4084 Digital Value Creation Joshi AIM X X
2 EBC4102 Theories and Models of Learning Grohnert ERD X X
2 EBC4103 Accounting for Financial Markets Vorst AIM X X
2 EBC4111 Entrepreneurship and Innovation* Koning, Janssens OSE (O&S) X Evening education possible
2 EBC4121 Mathematical Finance Pelsser KE X X
2 EBC4128 Supply Chain Relationships* Schiefer MSCM X X
2 EBC4133 Advanced Course in Information Management Vluggen AIM C
2 EBC4134 Empirical Analysis II Schotman FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4137 Advanced Consumer Behaviour Geyskens MSCM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4140 Advanced Research in Strategy Letterie OSE (O&S) C
2 EBC4150 Special Topics in Logistics/Operations Management Vredeveld KE C
2 EBC4151 Empirical Methods in Financial Research Pownall FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4154 Performance Management and Strategy Execution Moers AIM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4181 Entrepreneurial Finance Theunissen FIN X X
2 EBC4193 Negotiation & Allocation Strobel MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4199 Integration Workshop (HDS) Strobel MPE (AE1) X P1+P2 Evening education possible
2 EBC4203 Social Psychology of Decision Making Schnepf MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4246 Strategic Management in Emerging Markets Edris OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4247 Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Markets Moatsos MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4254 Business Intelligence and Data Management Rieser AIM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4255 Machine Learning for Smart Services Tüncel MSCM X X
2 EBC4270 Multidisciplinary Business Challenge Bassie van den Elst, Koning MSCM X X X X
2 EBC4273 Systemic Risk and Sustainability Werner, Sanders MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4276 Inequality, Fairness and Policy Goals Bosmans, Moatsos MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4278 Opportunities and Threats from New Technologies Strobel MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4282 Climate Finance and Investment Palacios Temprano FIN X X
2 EBP4004 Policy in Emerging Markets Haaland MILE (AE2) C P1+P2
2 SSP1022 Problem-based Learning and Academic Skills Zeijl-Rozema MSI [SBE] C P1+P2
2 SSP2053 Dynamics of Business in the Anthropocene Bluntz, Boons MSI [SBE] X X
2 SSP2054 Politics of Climate Change Scholl MSI [SBE] X X
2 SSP2081 Policy for Sustainability Innovation Dijk MSI [SBE] X X
2 SSP3031 Research Approaches and Methods Cörvers MSI [SBE] X
2 SSP5021 Sustainable Business Innovation Han, Amstrong MSI [SBE] X X
2 TAX4008 Estate Planning: Bedrijfsopvolging Luja FoL [SBE]
2 TAX4030 International Business Taxation Dziurdz FoL [SBE]
3 EBS2030 Presentation Skills Schils MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS4001 Data Analysis Skills Foubert MSCM C
3 EBS4019 Project and Change Management* Bollen OSE (O&S) C
3 EBS4021 Research Communication Skills Strobel MPE (AE1) C
3 SSP4012 Participatory Methods Vasseur MSI [SBE] C
3 SSP4015 Multi Criteria Analysis Scholl MSI [SBE] C
4 EBC4006 Panel Data Econometrics Schumann KE X X X
4 EBC4007 Industrial Economics Perea y Monsuwé, Catola KE X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4013 Strategic Sourcing Rozemeijer MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4021 Behavioural Insights Riedl MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4034 Tax Policy in the International Context Meissner MPE (AE1) X X
4 EBC4042 Leadership Jong OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4046 Economics of Strategy and Innovation Belderbos OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC4051 Advanced Operations Research Melis KE X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4053 Behavioural Finance Post FIN X X
4 EBC4058 Fixed Income Management Koch FIN X X
4 EBC4059 Business Process Management Gerken AIM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4074 Advanced Financial Accounting Kanelis AIM X X
4 EBC4076 Service Management Odekerken-Schröder MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4077 Financial Markets and Institutions (EFR) Bos FIN X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4097 Quantitative Techniques for Financial Economics Bastürk KE X X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4098 Strategic Human Resource Management Zaar OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4105 Business and Supply Chain Strategy* Vos MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4114 ICT in the Supply Chain* Bartczek MSCM X
4 EBC4119 Life Insurance I Pelsser KE X X
4 EBC4135 Data Analytics in Practice Pfann OSE (O&S) X Evening education possible
4 EBC4204 Microeconomics II Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4212 Impact Investment and Measurement Bos FIN X X
4 EBC4218 Big Data Econometrics Smeekes KE C
4 EBC4223 Analysing Unstructured Data Holtrop MSCM X X
4 EBC4249 Governance and Institutions in Emerging Markets Natorski MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4256 Smart Service Management Brüggen MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4262 Corporate Reporting and Internal Decision-Making Vorst AIM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4266 Digital Entrepreneurship Kaminski OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4269 Knowledge, Innovation and Technological Change Fontes Duarte OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4272 Case Studies of Sustainability Problems Treibich, Linde MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4277 Managing Inequality Vostroknutov, Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4279 Responsible (Governmental) Reaction to New Technologies Strobel, Dohmen MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4280 Research in International Business Schumacher, Efendic MSCM X X
4 EBP4006 Project Rohde MPE (AE1) X P4+P5
4 SSP2041 Sustainability Governance Scholl MSI [SBE]
4 SSP2052 Sustainability, Law and the Environment Scholl MSI [SBE] In transition (Exam)
4 SSP2062 Methodology for Sustainability Assessment Kraker MSI [SBE] X X
4 SSP5041 Measuring and Reporting on Corporate Impacts Bluntz MSI [SBE] X X
4 TAX4004 Pensioen Bollen FoL [SBE]
4 TAX4009 Cross-border Taxation of Human Capital Weerepas MPE (AE1)
5 EBC4009 Equilibrium Theory and Financial Markets Predtetchinski, Zseleva MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4010 Empirical Analysis of Financial Markets Schotman FIN X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4011 Capita Selecta Quantitative Economics: Econometrics, Mathematical Economics, and Operations Research Smeekes KE C
5 EBC4045 Managers @ Work Marques dos Santos OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4055 Sustainable Real Estate Finance Kok FIN X X
5 EBC4056 Risk Management Bams FIN X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4057 Corporate Finance Rodrigues FIN X X
5 EBC4069 Risk, Control and Compliance Schelleman AIM X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4100 Supporting Learning at the Workplace Dejardin, Delnoij ERD C
5 EBC4106 Business Innovation and Sustainable Development Vuong OSE (O&S) X X evening education possible
5 EBC4107 Business Intelligence Case Studies Pourpounehnajafabadi DAD X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4113 Financial Product Development: A Marketing-Finance Approach Pennings MSCM X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4120 Life Insurance II Kops KE X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4125 Research Strategy Borghans MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4187 Operations Research Applications Berger KE C
5 EBC4205 Empirical Econometrics 2 Wilms KE C
5 EBC4222 Descriptive and Predictive Analytics Kessels DAD X X
5 EBC4225 Data Visualization Rieser AIM X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4253 Trade, FDI and Global Value Chains Mau, Mathew MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4257 Machine Learning De Almeida e Santos Nogueira KE X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4267 Marketing Intelligence Lobschat MSCM X X
5 EBC4268 International Contracting and Relationships Suurmond MSCM X X
5 EBC4270 Multidisciplinary Business Challenge Bassie van den Elst, Koning MSCM X X X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4275 Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Huybrechts OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC4281 Generative AI in Digital Business and Economics Mehta DAD X X
5 EBP4006 Project Rohde MPE (AE1) X P4+P5
5 SSP2071 Integrated Sustainability Project Kraker MSI [SBE] C
5 TAX4019 Responsible International Tax Planning, Compliance and Administration FoL [SBE]
6 EBS2030 Presentation Skills Schils MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS4024 Writing a Referee Report Smeekes KE C
6 EBS4026 Experimental Economics Methods Wibral MPE (AE1) C
S1 EBS4003 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Fiscal Economics Löffler MPE (AE1) C P2+P3
S1 EBS4005 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Learning and Development in Organisations Delnoij ERD C P2+P3
S1 EBS4012 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Finance Jongen FIN C P2+P3
S1 EBS4013 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Organisation Lokshin OSE (O&S) C P2+P3
S1 EBS4014 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Digital Business and Economics Rajabighamchi DAD C P2+P3
S1 EBS4016 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategic Marketing Hilken MSCM C P2+P3
S1 EBS4018 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Entrepreneurship and Business Development Lokshin OSE (O&S) C P2+P3
S1 EBS4022 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Supply Chain Management Hilken MSCM C P2+P3
S1 EBS4025 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategy Lokshin OSE (O&S) C P2+P3
S1 EBS4027 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Human Decision Science Vostroknutov MPE (AE1) C P2+P3
S1 EBS4029 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Financial Economics Jongen FIN C P2+P3
S1 EBS4037 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Economics and Strategy in Emerging Markets Kuenn MILE (AE2) C P2+P3
S1 EBS4038 Research Design and Methodology for a Thesis: Global Supply Chain Management and Change Peeters KE C P2+P3
S1 EBS4039 Smart Service Skills Birgelen MSCM In transition (Exam); P1+P2+P3
S1 EBS4040 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: BISS (5.0 ECTS) Kessels DAD C In transition (Education+Exam); P2+P3
S1 EBS4041 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Accounting and Control Bruggen AIM C P2+P3
S1 EBS4042 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Information Management and Business Intelligence Theunissen DAD C P2+P3
S1 EBS4043 Computational Research Skills (E&OR) Smeekes KE C
S1 EBS4044 Computational Research Skills (Research Master) Smeekes KE C
S1 EBS4045 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Economics (4.0 ECTS) Meissner, Kuenn MPE (AE1) C
S1 EBS4046 Smart Service Skills Birgelen MSCM C
S1 EBS4047 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: BISS Kessels DAD C
S1 EMTH0001 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S1 EMTH0002 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S1 EMTH0003 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S1 EMTH0004 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S1 SSP3011 Thesis Research Proposal Oncini MSI [SBE] X
S2 EBP4005 Smart Service Project Müller DAD In transition (Exam); P4+P5+P6
S2 EBP4007 Smart Service Project Müller DAD C
S2 EBS4003 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Fiscal Economics Löffler MPE (AE1) C P5+P6
S2 EBS4012 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Finance Jongen FIN C P5+P6
S2 EBS4013 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Organisation Lokshin OSE (O&S) C P5+P6
S2 EBS4016 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategic Marketing Hilken MSCM C P5+P6
S2 EBS4018 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Entrepreneurship and Business Development Lokshin OSE (O&S) C P5+P6
S2 EBS4022 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Supply Chain Management Hilken MSCM C P5+P6
S2 EBS4025 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Strategy Lokshin OSE (O&S) C P5+P6
S2 EBS4027 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Human Decision Science Vostroknutov MPE (AE1) C P5+P6
S2 EBS4029 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Financial Economics Jongen FIN C P5+P6
S2 EBS4041 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Accounting and Control Bruggen AIM C P5+P6
S2 EBS4042 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: IB-Information Management and Business Intelligence Theunissen DAD C P5+P6
S2 EBS4048 Writing a Master's Thesis Proposal: Economics (DD) Kuenn, Meissner MPE (AE1) C
S2 EMTH0001 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S2 EMTH0002 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S2 EMTH0003 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S2 EMTH0004 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S2 EMTH0005 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
S2 EMTH0009 Master’s Thesis (13.5 ECTS) Bastürk KE No education
S2 EMTH1200 Master's Thesis Bastürk KE In transition (Education+Exam); No education
S2 ETIP0001 Thesis Internship Programme MSCM No education
S2 ETIP0002 Thesis Internship Programme MSCM No education
S2 SSP3021 Master Thesis Oncini MSI [SBE] X X P4+P5
Year EBC4099 Competence-based Coaching Gast, Nuis ERD C
Year EBC4136 Workshops in Finance Rodrigues FIN X X
Year EBC4190 Capita Selecta Economic and Financial Research Kuenn MPE (AE1) C
Year EBS4031 World of Research (Business Research) Kuenn MPE (AE1) C P1+P2+P3+P4+P5+P6
Year EBS4032 World of Research Kuenn MPE (AE1) C P1+P2+P3+P4+P5+P6
Year EBS4036 Professional Development in Emerging Markets Treibich MILE (AE2) C P1+P2+P3+P4+P5+P6
Year EMTH0005 Master's Thesis MSCM No education
Year EMTH0008 Master's Thesis (17.5 ECTS) MPE (AE1) No education