Frame Schedule Exchange 2024-2025

Please note: Days of education are provisional and can be changed
Per Code Title Coordinator Dep Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Note
1 EBC2001 Macroeconomics and Finance Straetmans, Sampaio Lima MILE (AE2) X X X
1 EBC2008 Management of Organisations Jong, Jansen van Rensburg OSE (O&S) L X X
1 EBC2010 Microeconomics: Choices, Markets and Welfare Seel MPE (AE1) X L X evening education possible
1 EBC2011 Quantitative Methods III (IES) Dietzenbacher KE L X X
1 EBC2018 Introduction into the Information Society Terstiege MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC2019 Banking Straetmans, Lieb MILE (AE2) X L X evening education possible
1 EBC2051 Business and Politics in Europe Bos OSE (O&S) X X evening education possible
1 EBC2054 Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management Schotman, Koch FIN X X
1 EBC2059 Management Accounting Moers AIM X X
1 EBC2060 Digitalisation and Organisations Verhulst AIM X X
1 EBC2063 Marketing Strategy and Practice Ebrahim MSCM X X
1 EBC2064 Operations Management Timmermans, Melis KE X X
1 EBC2080 Behavioural Economics (IB/IBE) Meissner MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC2082 Thinking Strategically Perea y Monsuwé KE X X
1 EBC2086 Time Series Modelling Hecq KE X X
1 EBC2092 Development Economics Moatsos MILE (AE2) X X evening education possible
1 EBC2100 Crisis Management in Organisations Marques dos Santos, Nikolova OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC2143 Globalisation Debate Moatsos MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC2164 Accounting for Managerial Decision Making Kaenen AIM X X
1 EBC2165 Managerial Finance and Accounting Kleimeier, Kaenen FIN X L X
1 EBC2171 Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice Broersma OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC2172 Diversity in Entrepreneurship Paramo Ortiz OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC2193 Economics of Transition and Resilience Sanders MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4004 Stochastic Processes Eichler KE X L
1 EBC4018 Strategies and Technologies in the Supply Chain Pinto Pereira Rebelo Cotta MSCM X X
1 EBC4023 ECB and Monetary Policy Sleijpen MILE (AE2) X X
1 EBC4037 Assurance Services and Audit Analytics Vanstraelen AIM X X evening education possible
1 EBC4041 Strategic Entrepreneurship and Innovation Gils OSE (O&S) X X
1 EBC4047 Organisational Change and Consultancy Günter OSE (O&S) X X evening education possible
1 EBC4052 Corporate Governance and Financial Stakeholders Kleimeier FIN X X evening education possible
1 EBC4078 Marketing Strategy and Innovation Mahr MSCM X X
1 EBC4091 Data Management Walczuch AIM X X
1 EBC4097 Quantitative Techniques for Financial Economics Bastürk KE X X X
1 EBC4126 Shareholder Value and Market Based Assets Post FIN X X
1 EBC4131 Forecasting and Business Analysis Bruggen AIM X X
1 EBC4188 Game Theory and Optimisation Schröder, Timmermans KE X X
1 EBC4197 Theory of Individual and Strategic Decisions Tsakas MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4198 Cognitive Psychology of Decision Making Verduyn MPE (AE1) X X
1 EBC4210 Service Science Factory Project (DD) Mahr MSCM C P1+P2
1 EBC4233 Empirical Methods in Economics Golsteyn MILE (AE2) X X In transition (Education+Exam)
1 SSP2011 Sustainable Development Huynen MSI [SBE] X X
1 SSP2031 Sustainability Science Cörvers, Moody MSI [SBE] X X
1 SSP4013 Systems Modelling Wensing MSI [SBE] X
1 SSP4014 Scenario Analysis Rijkens-Klomp MSI [SBE] X
2 EBC1009 Economics and Business Wibral MPE (AE1) L X X
2 EBC1010 Microeconomics Linde MPE (AE1) L X X Evening education possible
2 EBC1038 Accounting and Financial Reporting Kanelis AIM L X X
2 EBC2005 Industrial Organisation Bos OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2006 Financial Markets Jiao FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2009 Marketing Management Heller MSCM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2012 Public Economics Löffler MPE (AE1) X L X Evening education possible
2 EBC2017 Design of Tax Systems Löffler MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2021 Global Business Lokshin, Bartczek OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2030 Global Supply Chain Management Vos MSCM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2037 Economics and Society in Contemporary Asia Mau MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC2039 Knowledge Management Haesebrouck AIM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2040 Macroeconomics and Economic Policy Meijers MILE (AE2) X L X
2 EBC2055 Sustainable Financial Management and Policy Ivanov FIN X X
2 EBC2056 Intermediate Financial Accounting Bloumis AIM X X
2 EBC2062 Brand Management Geyskens MSCM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2067 Comparative Management Schumacher, Zaar OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2069 International Business History Pfann OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2090 Empirical Econometrics Hartl KE X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2094 Behavioural Economics Meissner MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2103 Economic Psychology Werner MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2110 Game Theory and Economics Schröder KE X X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2130 ICT, Labour and Inequality Ashwin MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC2138 Job Performance and the Employment Relationship Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2144 Technology Entrepreneurship Kaminski OSE (O&S) X X
2 EBC2147 Social Entrepreneurship Diaz Gonzalez OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC2160 Economics and Society in Contemporary Latin America Thomsson MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC2178 Responsible Data Use Can DAD X X
2 EBC2194 Society Through the Lens of Economists Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X
2 EBC4005 Collective Decision Making Dietzenbacher KE X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4008 Time Series Econometrics Wilms KE X X X
2 EBC4016 Supply Chain Operations Management Timmermans KE X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4026 Ethics, Privacy and Security in a Digital Society Mehta DAD X X
2 EBC4029 Open Macroeconomics in a Global Society Sampaio Lima MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4038 Cases in Management Information Systems Vluggen AIM X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4039 Financial Statement Analysis and Valuation Vorst AIM X X
2 EBC4044 International Competitive Analysis and Strategy Bos OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4048 Organisational Learning Huppertz OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4054 Institutional Investors Otten FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4060 Global Banking Lieb, Broeders FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4079 Consumer Psychology Boer MSCM X X
2 EBC4121 Mathematical Finance Pelsser KE X X
2 EBC4151 Empirical Methods in Financial Research Pownall FIN X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4181 Entrepreneurial Finance Theunissen FIN X X
2 EBC4193 Negotiation & Allocation Strobel MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4210 Service Science Factory Project (DD) Mahr MSCM C P1+P2
2 EBC4246 Strategic Management in Emerging Markets Edris OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4247 Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Markets Moatsos MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
2 EBC4273 Systemic Risk and Sustainability Werner, Sanders MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4276 Inequality, Fairness and Policy Goals Bosmans, Moatsos MPE (AE1) X X
2 EBC4278 Opportunities and Threats from New Technologies Strobel MPE (AE1) X X
2 SSP2053 Dynamics of Business in the Anthropocene Bluntz, Boons MSI [SBE] X X
2 SSP2054 Politics of Climate Change Scholl MSI [SBE] X X
2 SSP2081 Policy for Sustainability Innovation Dijk MSI [SBE] X X
2 SSP5021 Sustainable Business Innovation Han, Amstrong MSI [SBE] X X
3 EBS2001 Quantitative Methods III (IB/FE) Velasquez Gaviria KE C
3 EBS2013 Country Risk Analysis Efferink MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS2017 Managing Takeovers Jongen FIN C
3 EBS2027 Quantitative Methods III (IBE/INF) Hoesel KE L X X Evening education possible
3 EBS2030 Presentation Skills Schils MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS2035 Interview Skills and Techniques Bartczek MSCM C
3 EBS2038 SPSS for Windows Penders KE C
3 EBS2040 Build Your Own Dynamic Website Borghans MILE (AE2) C
3 EBS2069 Evidence-based Impact Assessment for Sustainable Business Practices Bos FIN C
3 EBS2144 Creativity & Concept Development Paramo Ortiz OSE (O&S) C
3 EBS4001 Data Analysis Skills Foubert MSCM C
3 SSP4012 Participatory Methods Vasseur MSI [SBE] C
3 SSP4015 Multi Criteria Analysis Scholl MSI [SBE] C
4 EBC1017 Strategy Ekert, Letterie OSE (O&S) L X X Evening education possible
4 EBC1018 Macroeconomics Sampaio Lima MILE (AE2) L X X L evening education possible
4 EBC2003 Management Information Systems Joshi AIM X X
4 EBC2013 Economic Growth and Institutions Sanders MILE (AE2) X L X
4 EBC2014 International Trade Mau MILE (AE2) X L X Evening education possible
4 EBC2020 Corporate Governance Deumes, Merk AIM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2023 Managerial Economics Rohde MPE (AE1) L X X
4 EBC2024 Marketing Research and Supply Chain Management Tarikere MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2031 The Psychology of Professional Learning and Development Giesbers ERD X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2041 Consumer Behaviour Geyskens MSCM X X
4 EBC2048 Organisational Behaviour Günter OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC2057 Internal Control and Accounting Information Systems Schelleman AIM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2059 Management Accounting Moers AIM X X
4 EBC2065 Global Transportation Management Schiefer MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2070 International Financial Management Vandenboorn FIN X X
4 EBC2072 Systems Analysis and Design Harmsen AIM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2089 Forecasting for Economics and Business Hecq KE X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2091 Market Design Vermeulen KE X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2093 International Competition Policy Werner MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2106 Operations Research Vredeveld KE L X X
4 EBC2107 Mathematical Statistics Smeekes KE L X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2116 Dynamic Modelling and Dynamic Optimisation Schröder KE X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2119 Macro-Finance Policies in the EMU Sampaio Lima MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC2122 Actuarial Mathematics Schröder KE X X
4 EBC2127 Public Finance Mackenzie MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2166 Neuroeconomics: Decision Making and the Brain Riedl MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC2175 Project and Process Management (non-IB) Bollen OSE (O&S) X X
4 EBC2191 Modern Economic Crises: Causes and Solutions Ashwin MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4006 Panel Data Econometrics Schumann KE X X X
4 EBC4007 Industrial Economics Perea y Monsuwé, Catola KE X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4013 Strategic Sourcing Rozemeijer MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4021 Behavioural Insights Riedl MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4042 Leadership Jong OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4051 Advanced Operations Research Melis KE X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4053 Behavioural Finance Post FIN X X
4 EBC4058 Fixed Income Management Koch FIN X X
4 EBC4059 Business Process Management Gerken AIM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4074 Advanced Financial Accounting Kanelis AIM X X
4 EBC4076 Service Management Odekerken-Schröder MSCM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4097 Quantitative Techniques for Financial Economics Bastürk KE X X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4119 Life Insurance I Pelsser KE X X
4 EBC4218 Big Data Econometrics Smeekes KE C
4 EBC4249 Governance and Institutions in Emerging Markets Natorski MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4262 Corporate Reporting and Internal Decision-Making Vorst AIM X X Evening education possible
4 EBC4272 Case Studies of Sustainability Problems Treibich, Linde MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4277 Managing Inequality Vostroknutov, Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X
4 EBC4279 Responsible (Governmental) Reaction to New Technologies Strobel, Dohmen MILE (AE2) X X
4 SSP2041 Sustainability Governance Scholl MSI [SBE]
4 SSP5041 Measuring and Reporting on Corporate Impacts Bluntz MSI [SBE] X X
5 EBC1026 Finance Bauer FIN L X X Evening education possible
5 EBC1029 Fundamentals of Supply Chain Management Schiefer MSCM L X X Evening education possible
5 EBC1030 International Economic Relations Mau MILE (AE2) L X X
5 EBC2015 Institutional Economics Vostroknutov MPE (AE1) X L X Evening education possible
5 EBC2022 Management of Operations and Product Development Hoesel, Timmermans KE X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2025 Quantitative Business Schumann KE L X X
5 EBC2027 International Business Edris OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2032 Managing Learning and Development at Work Mihai, Iqbal Ruiz ERD X X
5 EBC2043 Services Marketing Hilken MSCM X X
5 EBC2045 Digital Supply Networks Bartczek MSCM X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2053 Options and Futures Rodrigues FIN X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2056 Intermediate Financial Accounting Bloumis AIM X X
5 EBC2058 Auditing and Fraud Detection Timmermans AIM X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2061 ERP and Business Intelligence Systems Rieser AIM X X
5 EBC2068 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation Kleinert OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC2081 Ethics, Organisations and Society Hummels FIN X X
5 EBC2088 Decision Support Systems and Business Modelling Berger KE X X
5 EBC2108 Economics of Uncertainty and Information Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) L X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2109 Network Economics Cowan MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2111 Econometric Methods I Hecq KE L X X
5 EBC2117 Information, Justice and the Political Process Predtetchinski MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2125 Actuarial Statistics Vermeulen KE X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2148 Innovation in Business and Economic Growth Visentin MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC2153 History of Economic Thought Bosmans, Ashwin MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2158 Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management Do Rosário Costa OSE (O&S) X X
5 EBC2163 Human Resource Management Diepen OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC2173 Labour Economics Kuenn MILE (AE2) X X
5 EBC2181 Operations Management for Business Analytics Melis KE X X
5 EBC4009 Equilibrium Theory and Financial Markets Predtetchinski, Zseleva MPE (AE1) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4010 Empirical Analysis of Financial Markets Schotman FIN X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4045 Managers @ Work Marques dos Santos OSE (O&S) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4055 Sustainable Real Estate Finance Kok FIN X X
5 EBC4056 Risk Management Bams FIN X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4057 Corporate Finance Rodrigues FIN X X
5 EBC4069 Risk, Control and Compliance Schelleman AIM X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4106 Business Innovation and Sustainable Development Vuong OSE (O&S) X X evening education possible
5 EBC4107 Business Intelligence Case Studies Pourpounehnajafabadi DAD X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4120 Life Insurance II Kops KE X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4125 Research Strategy Borghans MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4253 Trade, FDI and Global Value Chains Mau, Mathew MILE (AE2) X X Evening education possible
5 EBC4268 International Contracting and Relationships Suurmond MSCM X X
6 EBS1005 Management Game Bollen OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS1006 Economy Game Strobel MPE (AE1) C Evening education possible
6 EBS2015 Business Plan Broersma OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS2019 Communication and Leadership Skills Schumacher OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS2025 Accounting and Controlling in Practice Kaenen AIM C
6 EBS2029 Writing a Review Catola MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS2030 Presentation Skills Schils MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS2033 Real Estate Investment and Valuation Kok FIN C
6 EBS2036 Game Theory, Basic Concepts and Applications Tsakas, Zseleva KE C
6 EBS2037 Sampling Design Brakel KE C
6 EBS2039 Spreadsheets Ekert OSE (O&S) C
6 EBS2041 International Negotiation Skills Bartczek MSCM C
6 EBS2057 Fraud and Crime in the Firm Kuenn MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS2058 Learning by Experimenting Borghans MILE (AE2) C
6 EBS2059 Cost-Benefit Analysis Bosmans MPE (AE1) C
6 EBS2062 Mobile Innovation and Marketing Hilken MSCM C
1 (BENG) BENC2005 Biotechnology Bortesi FSE [SBE] X X L
1 (BENG) BENC2006 Operations and Supply Chain Management Timmermans, Melis KE X X L
1 (BENG) BENC2014 Sustainable Development Treibich FSE [SBE] X X L
1 (BENG) BENC2016 Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation Kleinert OSE (O&S) X X L
1 (BENG) BENC2017 B2B Marketing Bartczek MSCM X X L
2 (BENG) BENC2007 Management Information Systems Kaenen, Fernandes Duhamel AIM X X L
2 (BENG) BENC2008 Corporate Governance Deumes AIM X X L
2 (BENG) BENC2022 Financial Markets Jiao FIN X X L
4 (BENG) BENC2009 Chemical Engineering Koopman FSE [SBE] X X L
4 (BENG) BENC2010 Accounting Bloumis AIM X X L
4 (BENG) BENC2024 Ecosystems Mahr MSCM X X
4 (BENG) BENC2025 Global Supply Chain Management Suurmond MSCM X X
4 (BENG) BENC2026 Environmental Science and Technology Butterworth FSE [SBE] X X X
5 (BENG) BENC2011 Data Science Nanda FSE [SBE] X X L
5 (BENG) BENC2012 Management of Operations and Product Development Hoesel, Timmermans KE X X L